That's What She Said....

The random ramblings of a 30 year old girl, err- woman.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Attack of the Allergie Monster!

So my lungs have been slowly closing in on themselves this past week. I made it to my doctor's finally on Thursday and got a prescription inhaler for my Asthma. I can now breath!! I haven't ever struggled this much to breath. For awhile it felt as if I had Bumpy or Baby Bear sitting on my chest preventing me from taking a deep breath. I feel great now. Breathing is not something that I normaly pay attention to but now I thank God for helping those who invented inhalers!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Duck Crossing

So tonight I drove from my mom's house back to the Shedu house and was about to turn into the driveway when I saw them. Two ducks in the middle of courtship. The mallard was chasing his woman through the Shedu's lawn, across the driveway, and into the neighbor's yard. I think he's been after her for awhile. They both seemed a little tired- either that or she was ready to give up running. I think he would have chased her anywhere! It was very cute.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Nothing new to post about today. I miss my dog. I miss him hiding in the corner of my room when the wind blows too hard. I miss him whining like a sissy girl when he's excited. I miss him rolling onto his back with all 4 paws sticking straight up in the air as if he were dead and staying that way for a couple of minutes. Maybe I could hide him in the Shedu's basement. They'll never know. Of course they may wonder how all the horse-sized poo ended up in their yard. He'd fit in, I mean he is as hairy as Shedu- almost.

Friday, May 19, 2006

More Evil than Abnormal!

You Are 38% Evil

A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Yes, another quiz

You Are 16% Abnormal

You are at low risk for being a psychopath. It is unlikely that you have no soul.

You are at low risk for having a borderline personality. It is unlikely that you are a chaotic mess.

You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.

You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.

You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Generational "crack"

So yesterday at work The new Mrs. H and I were working together. A lot of people had been stopping in for employment applications for a server position at the restaurant. Most that stopped by were young girls, probably 17-21 years old. Mrs. H and I noticed that the current trend of hip-hugger jeans or utlra-low rise jeans was prevalent in this generation. Almost every girl that stopped by had these "fashionable" jeans on. One poor girl decided to sit in the lobby to fill out her application. Now, deep in conversation with Mrs. H about other topics I happen to glance over in this girls direction. "Low" and behold, her pants had disappeared and all I could see was the fact that she did not choose to wear any underwear that day!! Ugh, why??!! In disbelief and struck speechless I tap Mrs. H so that she too could "bare" witness to such a sight. As a look of terror and amusement comes across Mrs. H's face I start to feel sorry for this girl. Then I think to myself, how does she not feel a draft on her back side, or the cold of the leather chair??! Unfortunately for Miss Crack, we were not the only ones witness to this injustice. An elderly couple had decided to wait on the couch in the lobby until their room was cleaned. The man had fallen asleep and his wife was reading the paper. Much like Mrs. H and I, elderly man wakes up and slowly begins to focus on the scene in front of him. Miss Cracks' backside is right in front of his view and all he does is stare. Slowly he starts to get this scowl on his face and his head starts to turn from side to side in disapproval. He nudges his wife who proceeds to look in his direction. The wife covers her eyes and then looks at her husband. No words are exchanged. The wife shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head as if to say "I have no clue what that girl is thinking!". Seemingly the shock and newness had worn off and the wife goes back to reading the paper. The husband, however, is hypnotized by the crack and continues to stare! Us girls find his shock hilarious. Granted we were shocked ourselves but have gotten used to being witness to such fashion faux pas. At least she could have worn a thong to cover the crack! I debated going over to tell her that her pants were falling down but couldn't bring myself to do it. I was embarrassed for her but I have a feeling she knew and didn't care. Kids these days!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The truth is out...

Lust:Very Low

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

Friday, May 12, 2006

I have arrived!

Yeah for me! I'm now a proud residant of the Shedu household. Hair, hair and more hair to come! Since the weather sucks this weekend I'll be sleeping on my faithful queen sized air mattress. I hope we have some nice weather soon because I'd really like to have my dresser and bed here. Now that I'm here- where are those cookies?!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

So much to do and so little time!

Ugh! There are not enought hours in my days right now. This week summer classes started and I'm working 40 hours and I still have to get stuff moved over to Crazymom's house. When?! I already have 3 papers due next week and tons of reading to cover plus it's Mother's day this Sunday so there's time I've got to spend not moving- need...more....time..... It will all be worth it in the end. Friday, I will do all the moving on Friday..maybe. Can we change our 24 hour days to 64 hour days? Or just add 6.4 hours to each day. I could handle that. My mind is fried and my stomach is empty; I want cookies!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Who says it's only for women?

So today was the 2nd day in the annual Grand Slam Garage Sale in my home town of Lowell. This thing is so huge!! I mean, crazy huge! This whole subdivision has a sale, each house on every street pretty much! So much useless stuff and always good food for sale- mmm, cheddar dogs! This year seemed different somehow. I was helping an old friend man the garage sale at her aunts when we noticed a rare occurance. There were more men than women checking out our merchandise (that was not meant to be dirty!). Not to say that men can't go garage saling, but I mean really- how often does it happen that they go without the wife or girlfriend dragging them? These men weren't alone. Usually in groups of 2-4. What, do they call eachother up and say "Dude, let's meet at 8am tomorrow morning- I don't want to miss the good stuff"? It's just wierd to me.

Okay, too much sun and too many cheddar dogs!! I think I'm going to have some cheddar dog babies soon- blah!

Friday, May 05, 2006

I'm so excited!!

Finaly! It's been too long since all 4 of us girls have been able to hang out. I can't wait until July when we can all get together! I miss you guys!!

Tis the season!

Oh happy day!! One of my good friends got married tonight and it was beautiful! She looked like a fairytale princess. Tomorrow the newlyweds are off to Maui! I wish them many years of happiness and I was so glad that I got to be a part of such a wonderful moment in their lives. Love ya guys!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Princess Cleo

(She's a little camera shy!)

I have nothing new to post really. I was bored the other night and decided it would be fun to scare the s*it out of my little princess. She had been bothering me all night by laying in the middle of the newspaper I was reading at the table. Everytime I tried to move her she would reach out her paw as if to grab my hand and then lunge her head at me to bite. So, as I'm watching some television later I spot her stalking my backpack by the couch. She was just so serious I had to do something. I very gently picked up a side pillow from the love seat and slowly bent my arm back and then launched the pillow in her direction. Poor Princess was so freaked she jumped about 5 feet in the air AND did an awesome back flip! If only I had pictures! I love my kitty-cat!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Men in Uniform! Heck yeah!

So this week at the Inn we have a ton of police officers and fire-fighters staying. I must admit that I'm a sucker for a man in uniform. I mean these aren't your everyday, donut eating police men. These are "frisk me please" cops! The firemen are pretty drool-worthy as well. Needless to say, I will be at work bright and early tomorrow!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Couldn't resist

Just had to put this up.


Look, I know that I am not in everyone's little circle and shit- that's fine. I've known most of you for at least 3 years now and I think I still deserve respect. I've blogged twice, maybe three times about how I was feeling in regards to Ikyam. It is my right. My feelings are valid. It is my blog. I am trying to get over him; thanks for the advice though. Not all people are lucky in love. Plus, does everyone freaking know the whole background to our relationship and our problems? No, probably not. Some things are not always so cut and dry or black and white. It is not like we just dated- we were going to get married.

So, what I'm being told is I was the girl that the group just tolerated because your friend was dating me? I thought that everybody got along fine. I guess I've been put in my place. Oh, and please do not refer to my past relationship with Ikyam in a manner that portrays it as a shame. We were in love. He has old wounds that won't heal from me and I have some new ones. Two bloggings on this subject, okay 3 now, are not going to kill anyone. This is also a place for me to vent. If you didn't like me or don't like me than oh well, nothing I can do or say will change that.

How it is

No one loves me. The love is gone, all gone. No more. The end.