Who says it's only for women?
So today was the 2nd day in the annual Grand Slam Garage Sale in my home town of Lowell. This thing is so huge!! I mean, crazy huge! This whole subdivision has a sale, each house on every street pretty much! So much useless stuff and always good food for sale- mmm, cheddar dogs! This year seemed different somehow. I was helping an old friend man the garage sale at her aunts when we noticed a rare occurance. There were more men than women checking out our merchandise (that was not meant to be dirty!). Not to say that men can't go garage saling, but I mean really- how often does it happen that they go without the wife or girlfriend dragging them? These men weren't alone. Usually in groups of 2-4. What, do they call eachother up and say "Dude, let's meet at 8am tomorrow morning- I don't want to miss the good stuff"? It's just wierd to me.
Okay, too much sun and too many cheddar dogs!! I think I'm going to have some cheddar dog babies soon- blah!
At 6:25 AM , Unknown said...
lol - get the pepsi bottle
At 9:47 AM , David said...
!. It was dirty. Dirty and glorious.
@. Racist.
#. Just the other day I saw a man sailing his garage on Lake Michigan.
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