That's What She Said....

The random ramblings of a 30 year old girl, err- woman.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Who says it's only for women?

So today was the 2nd day in the annual Grand Slam Garage Sale in my home town of Lowell. This thing is so huge!! I mean, crazy huge! This whole subdivision has a sale, each house on every street pretty much! So much useless stuff and always good food for sale- mmm, cheddar dogs! This year seemed different somehow. I was helping an old friend man the garage sale at her aunts when we noticed a rare occurance. There were more men than women checking out our merchandise (that was not meant to be dirty!). Not to say that men can't go garage saling, but I mean really- how often does it happen that they go without the wife or girlfriend dragging them? These men weren't alone. Usually in groups of 2-4. What, do they call eachother up and say "Dude, let's meet at 8am tomorrow morning- I don't want to miss the good stuff"? It's just wierd to me.

Okay, too much sun and too many cheddar dogs!! I think I'm going to have some cheddar dog babies soon- blah!


  • At 6:25 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    lol - get the pepsi bottle

  • At 9:47 AM , Blogger David said...

    !. It was dirty. Dirty and glorious.

    @. Racist.

    #. Just the other day I saw a man sailing his garage on Lake Michigan.


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