That's What She Said....

The random ramblings of a 30 year old girl, err- woman.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Yes, I really did post

I have nothing great to post about so I am hoping by writing nothing of importance that it might inspire something better for later. I do nothing but work, work and more work right now. I just haven't felt like posting. I don't like to come home and look at the computer after being at work on a computer all day.

Stemshul needs to come over and pull out the bushes in front of the Shedu house so that creepy perverts can't accost me again and so that I can feel safe taking the pup out at night.

On a happier note, I received a $3000.00 scholarship to Aquinas. This makes me happy since I've been stressing about the cost of college. Every little bit helps.

Sorry about the crappy post. At least I posted right?