That's What She Said....

The random ramblings of a 30 year old girl, err- woman.

Friday, December 19, 2008

On the Juice

So far I've missed about 1 week of work due to this lovely thing called Vertigo. At first they gave me some medicine to treat motion sickness but that only made the dizziness worse. The next day I went back to the doctor and they gave me Valium and Dramamine (another motion sickness pill). Together they are supposed to combat the Vertigo. The Valium is pretty wicked. Knocks me out with-in about 15 minutes and I guess that's good since they wanted me flat on my back as much as possible. There are much better things, other than sleeping, I could be doing flat on my back. The Dramamine is helping with the nausea I have been having to all the spinning of the world around me. Yet, as of this week nothing has gotten any better. So on Wednesday I got to pick up a prescription for some short burst steroids. I'm on the juice. I had to start with 6 pills at once the first day and then work my way down. Now as of today's appointment I get to take the pills along with a steroid nasal spray. So I am double juicing it! Better watch out Arnold! I am going to pump YOU up! Yay for 'roid rage!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Help Wanted?

I am checking out of the Inn. I have made the decision that it is time for me to move on. This unfortunately may mean a pay cut but my happiness meter will potentially grow as well as my chance to advance. In the economy I know I should just be happy to have a job, however; I have never been one to do things just because it's easier. I will have a new job within the beginning of the new year. Yay me! Oh, and everyone needs to try the new Candy Cane Kisses! Yummy!

Really late Monkey fact posting!!

Do not make direct eye contact with Monkey for more than 4 seconds

Poor Mikey... He must not have read my monkey facts.