So I was thinking
Recently I decided that I wasn't drinking enough water each day. I was reading online that if your pee, or urine if you prefer, is yellow than you are dehydrated. When one is properly hydrated the pee is clear. As of 5 days ago I have been deemed hydrated. I feel great knowing that I've flushed all of the toxins out of my system and am doing something healthy for my body. I'm sure my liver and kidneys thank me. My co-workers think I have an addiction. Having to leave the office every 1/2 hour for a bathroom break had some people wondering. I am not ashamed, I am an addict. I am a slave to the H2O. I spend lots of time visiting various bathrooms and unfortunately that has been counting as my personal time. It's a time for contemplating the world and its all encompassing complexities. In one of various bathrooms I sit there is a window near by and today I looked out and realized what a wonderful oil painting the view would make. A beautiful leafless tree reaching up into a baby blue sky, no powerlines or rooftops to disrupt this picture perfect work of art. Just tree and sky. My wish is for all to see the beauty of the world through clear pee.