That's What She Said....

The random ramblings of a 30 year old girl, err- woman.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

This little piggy went home

I don't like feets. I never have and never will. I think they are ugly. I have yet to meet a foot that I like. I was looking at one of my foots and there was a single hair growing out of my big toe! Now why do feet have hair?? What purpose does this serve. I mean feet are already ugly without, now you add the hair and ugh! Maybe the hair is supposed to continue to grow and cover up the ugly... Let's all ponder this for a while.


  • At 9:59 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    you've only got one hair and you're freaking out about it? heh, don't have kids. You'll get hairs in places that really should not have hairs.

  • At 10:27 AM , Blogger katohater said...

    what? like in your uterus?

    we are mammals! hair grows wherever it can take root.

    at least you're not a hobbit with a patch of hair on the top of your foot.

  • At 11:04 AM , Blogger AlyKat64 said...

    I've heard the horror stories of pregnancy and what it does to your body. I'm already scared! I don't know if I could handle 2 hairs on my toe!!


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